Collected for in in order of occurrence is my tweetment of a new procedure I'm scheduled to undergo today. Just another chapter in my battle with Crohn's. this time their checking my esophagus and my stomach. Will Ulcerative Colitis is concentrated on the colon, Crohn's can affect any part of your digestive tract, so just to be sure we've got to check it all. Well here's what happened:
I've had hundreds of studies done, but for some reason, this one has me spooked. I guess because it's my first Superior Endoscopy.
A superior endoscopy, that's a pretty fancy name for shoving a tube down your throat, well at least there's no sadistic preparation required
I finished the check-in at the hospital, now "the wait." I talked with someone who's had this study done and I've been assured it's easy.
And with a big gulp, except for the part when you have to sort of swallow the tube, which seems a little barbaric, but hey that's medicine.
Somehow Metallica's "Broken, Beat, and Scarred" chorus "What don't kill ya, make you more strong" drifts into my head...I hope so.
Well they called me in and they already have the IV line in. I might not get another chance, so see you on the other side.
More waiting, waiting for a study room to become available. Waiting, with a little trepidation, as a hive's nest of activity buzzes around
Just had an exchange with the doctor who's going to do my study. We discussed my belief that all doctors should experience the studies first
He recommended a movie called "The Doctor." He commented that he would eliminate most diagnostic procedures, I wonder why?
I can see into the study rooms, and sometimes as a procedure is in progress, doctors will enter to watch "the show."
There's a gurgling sound coming from that one. I wonder what torture that guy's going through? He's finished now, should be my turn soon.
Returning to my happy place in preparation, taking slow deep breaths. Relax, it'll be over soon.
I was right, it is my turn. I'm all hooked up and ready to go. My heart beat echoes in my ears as my heart races a little bit.
Sitting here all alone. Soon a crowd will gather and other doctors will come and watch my show.
Except for gagging a couple times, the mask they strap onto your mouth, the drugs were nice. as always, just too short
Already done. It didn't seem as bad as I imagined, as I dreaded. They put me on my side and squirted some anesthetic gel into my mouth.
My throats a little bit sore, but otherwise just a little bit of the drugs left over as a reminder, no biggie.
Up out of the bed. Feeling fine. Sitting around waiting for the exit reactions by the doc and that should, be that
Seems like my nightmares were just my imagination getting the best of me. If I could just learn how to tap into that well of creativity...
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